
Are You Ready For Relief?
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and the relationship between their structure and function. When one spinal vertebrae gets out of its proper alignment, called a subluxation, it can cause irritation to the nerves that it is meant to protect, resulting in impaired function of the body’s systems and tissues. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore motion to a joint, resulting in decreased irritation to the nervous system, and improved function of the body’s system and tissues.
The result of restoring proper spinal alignment may include: decreased inflammation and pain, improved ability to turn and bend, improved immune function, improved muscle strength, decreased muscle tension, and prevention of joint and disc degeneration.
The doctor of chiropractic has extensive training in the detection and correction of spinal misalignments called subluxations. The doctor will use his hands to palpate your spine and surrounding tissues to check for proper motion of the joints, tight or spasmed muscles, and painful points on the spine or in the surrounding soft tissues. The doctor also has extensive training in reading x-rays and can correlate the palpation findings to misalignments found on x-rays.
Manual & Massage Therapy
Massage therapy helps to relieve stress-related tension, which experts believe may account for as much as 90% of disease. Benefits of massage may include an increase in circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs. Massage also stimulates the lymphatic system, the body’s natural defense against toxic invaders. It relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles, reduces spasms and cramping, and increases joint mobility and flexibility. Athletes at any level can expect a reduced recovery time. Massage can release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller. Manual therapy can also reduce adhesions, edema and scar tissue.
Manual therapy and massage in our office is meant to break down the soft tissues so that the body can rebuild healthy tissue, so it is generally different than your typical spa type massage. That being said, it is important for the patient to discuss their comfort and tolerance levels with the doctor or therapist to ensure a productive session and not to exceed the level of what the patient can tolerate. Most sessions are focused on a particular problem area, and are generally not a full body session.
Like with most things in life, one size does not fit all for these sessions. Our therapist and doctor are well versed in several different techniques and will work with you to find out what achieves the best results. The key is keeping lines of communication between the patient and the doctor or therapist open.
Physiotherapy is designed to support your chiropractic care and aid in a quicker recovery on the road to a healthier life. Our physiotherapy is designed to decrease pain, inflammation, swelling, and muscle spasms/tightness.
Rehabilitation and stabilization of the spine also help to promote a healthier lifestyle by preventing pain and spinal misalignments from becoming a recurrent and chronic problem. The doctor will determine if therapy is appropriate for patients on an individual basis. The doctor will also make sure it is safe for the patient.
We utilize several different forms of physiotherapy in the office:
- Electric muscle stimulation uses current to decrease pain, reduce swelling, relax muscles, and promote tissue healing. Pads are placed on or around the injured area, and the current is increased until it feels strong to the patient, but not painful.
- Ultrasound therapy is applied using a round-headed wand in direct contact with the patient’s skin. A gel is applied to the skin to reduce friction and transmit the ultrasonic waves. These sound waves pass through the skin and create a vibration in the intended tissues. The result of such vibration is a heating of the tissues, which can promote tissue healing, decrease inflammation, and relax muscles.
- Kinesiotape is a method of taping a problematic area to reduce tension and pain, shorten muscles, and allow blood flow so that swelling can disperse from the affected area. Kinesiotape also has the added benefit of offering support to the patient outside of the office, as it usually stays on for 3-5 days after applied.
Custom Foot Orthotics
At Dettwiler Chiropractic we use a custom foot orthotic solution called Foot Levelers. Foot Levelers uses a scanning technology to develop the perfect pair of custom inserts to fit your needs every time by eliminating casting errors made by utilizing different methods to make the inserts.
We use custom orthotics for several different reasons, mainly to provide support to fallen or weak arches of the feet. Think of it this way, if you build your dream home on a crooked foundation, eventually you will have problems with the door frames, roof, etc. We can eliminate the feet as a potential source for a number of other problems that may arise.
Spinal Rehabilitation / Core Stabilization
Spinal Rehabilitation and Core Stabilization is aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the spine. The exercises and activities we have put together improve strength and coordination of the muscle groups that hold the spine in place, thus decreasing the risk for injury in the future.
We put together a progression of specific exercises for our patients that will help stabilize areas of the spine that need strengthening. We also provide a specific list of stretches that are tailored to each individuals needs. Stretching can lengthen muscles that have become short and weak.
The result is increased strength, improved flexibility, and decreased risk of injury. Stretching tight muscle groups can also take pressure off of the spine because a lot of the large muscle groups attach to the spine. Lastly we utilize foam rollers to break down adhesions in the soft tissue and provide an at home course of exercises that will help aid the patient on the road to better physical health.